Wind Summary - Part 1
Wind Summary - Part 2
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Wind Summary
Wind Summary - Part 1
Wind power is an intermittent renewable power source - which is expanding from onshore to offshore applications.
- Global wind energy potential has a high degree of regional variability.
- Renewable power makes up ~28% of the total generated in 2021. Wind contributes just over 23% of renewable power by generation.
- The quality of the wind resource is a critical factor in determining the long term output of a wind turbines. The total wind power generated is a combination of many factors - will differing sensitivities.
- Average wind speed is only suitable for high level screening of potential wind sites. Even small errors in wind speed estimates can have a significant impact on the viability of a wind farm.
- The harnessing of on shore and off shore wind at shallow depths is mature. Deeper water off shore technologies are currently being demonstrated.
Wind Summary
Wind Summary - Part 2
Environmental issues remain a challenge for the deployment of wind power. Subsidies are generally still required for wind power to produce competitive electricity.
- Many of the environmental challenges that wind energy faces can be successfully mitigated with good planning and community engagement.
- While the overall noise levels are relatively low from a wind turbine, turbine noise remains an emotive issue.
- Bird and bat mortality is one of the most controversial and emotive issues (in the USA), however wind turbines generally have a minor contribution to bird and bat mortality.
- The wind turbine cost is the key factor in the cost of a wind farm project.
- More than 50% of the cost of an off shore wind farm is associated with the balance of plant.
- Off shore wind harvesting innovations may significantly increase winds contribution to power generation.