Nuclear Summary - Part 1
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Nuclear Summary
Nuclear Summary - Part 1
Nuclear power is a proven, commercially deployed technology. Community acceptance remains a key hurdle for nuclear power.

- Nuclear power development commenced in the 1950's.
- Generation I and II nuclear power plants are commercially deployed. Limited construction of Generation III reactors have occurred to date.
- The next generation of nuclear power plant reactors (Generation IV) is in the research and development phase. Commercial deployment of these reactors is likely to be beyond 2050.
- Nuclear fusion is in the early research stages - with significant development required.
- Nuclear life cycle carbon dioxide emissions are estimated to be 40kg CO2e / MWh.
- High level waste disposal remains an outstanding issue in most jurisdictions - and a major public acceptance issue.
- Key nuclear fuel cycle issues include optimisation of uranium usage, minimisation of proliferation and minimising waste disposal volumes.