Power Factor Basics
Power Factor Summary
Power factor is a significant consideration in electrical power systems. Improvements to increase power factor can have positive impacts to electrical performance and economics.

Understanding electrical power factor and its effects in both electrical equipment and system performance, as well as in plant economics is a significant consideration for the electrical power system.
Some of the positive effects of an improved power factor include:
- Reduced power costs
- Release of electrical capacity within the existing distribution system equipment
- Raise and provide stability to the voltage levels within the facility
- Reduced overall system losses
Typical means for power factor improvements include:
- Utilisation of high power factor equipment, particularly for lighting
- Installation of capacitors, particularly for large low power factor motors
- Installation of synchronous motors and generators
Power Factor Basics
Power Factor
Since the power used can never be more than the power supplied, the power factor can never be greater than 1.

Power factor is the ratio between the kW and the kVA drawn by an electrical load where the kW is the actual load power and the kVA is the apparent load power.
It is a measure of how efficiently the load current is being converted into useful work output.
- The power that is used in equipment (heating, lighting, driving motors), is known as real power.
- Reactive power is power that is drawn down which is not directly used (or in other words power where the current is out of phase with the voltage and doesn't do any real work. Current that charges a capacitor or that creates the magnetic field around a coil for example.)
- The combination of then two is known as apparent power.
- Power Factor is the relationship between real and apparent power.
Another way to describe this is that there are two types of current in AC circuits
- Power producing current – converted by equipment into useful work.
- Magnetising current – wattless, reactive, or non-working current.
Power Factor Basics
Power Factor Calculation
Real power, reactive power and apparent power form a right angle triangle. Power factor is the cosine of the angle between real and apparent power.

Power Factor Basics
Lead & Lag
When describing the load, the power factor is lagging when the load requires VARs and leading when the load is a source of VARs.

The terms “Leading” and “Lagging” power factor are used to describe the flow direction of VARs. When describing the load, the power factor is lagging when the load requires VARs and leading when the load furnishes VARs. For a generation source, the convention is reversed.
- Loads that receive VARs like induction motors and other induction loads (transformers) have a “Lagging” power factor.
- Loads that furnish VARs, like synchronous motors have a “Leading” power factor.
- For Generators the convention is reversed. A synchronous generator producing VARs (over excited) has a “Lagging” power factor. And an under excited synchronous generator or induction generator receiving VARs has a “Leading” power factor.
- The relationship of the voltage and current waveforms indicate the type of load. Resistive (in phase), inductive (voltage leads current) and capacitive (current leads voltage).
Power Factor Basics
Power factor depends on the type of load. Some types of loads require VARs, others produce VARs, and others neither require nor produce VARs.

Resistive loads
(Power factor = 1.0):
- Incandescent lighting
- Resistance heating
Inductive loads
(Lagging power factor – receiving VARs):
- Transformers
- Induction motors and generators
- HID lighting
Capacitive loads
(Leading power factor – producing VARs)
- Synchronous motors and generators
- Capacitor banks